The Good Mood Kitchen for Emotional Balance

How to Eat for Better Mental and Emotional Health

Learn how to . . . Prioritize your nutritional choices for maximum health. Discover your unique digestive style. Substitute healthy good-tasting foods for your problem foods. Avoid gluten sensitivity. Use smarter and healthier food preparation strategies. Identify your common nutritional complications. Avoid allergy-irritation foods. Engage your family and friends in your nutritional change. Cook and […]

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Vanessa Hudgens on Exercise

Vanessa Hudgens: On Exercise

If I ever get to the point that I’m not happy with my body, I’ll do something about it. You will always have the power to do something. Sometimes it will take a little longer than you would like, and sometimes it may be a little extreme. But if you honestly have a goal, you […]

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Dance with Your Heart: It is with your feet that you move, but it is with your heart that you dance. - Aalaynah Thompson

Dance with Your Heart

It is with your feet that you move, but it is with your heart that you dance. — Aalaynah Thompson It is with your feet that you move, but it is with your heart that you dance. — Aalaynah Thompson #dance #dancing Click To Tweet Please share if you love this post . . .  1     

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Mel Robbins on Time

Mel Robbins: On Free Time

There is a difference between people who see you in their free time and people who free their time to see you. — Mel Robbins, motivational speaker You know who your true friends if they free up their time to see you! There is a difference between people who see you in their free time […]

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Women and Depression

Women and Depression

1 in 8 women will develop depression during their lifetime. — National Institute of Mental Health For a key article on how to avoid depression, see Good Self-Care for Depression. 1 in 8 women will develop depression during their lifetime. — National Institute of Mental Health Click To Tweet Please share if you love this post […]

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Health Benefits of Dance

The Health Benefits of Dance

Check out these health benefits of dance. Dance, dance, dance! Boost memory. Improve flexibility. Reduce stress. Diminish depression. Help your heart. Lose weight. Balance better. Increase energy Make friends. Stay fit! Check out these health benefits of dance: boost memory, improve flexibility, reduce stress. #dance Click To Tweet Check out these health benefits of dance: […]

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Lectin Infographic: What foods are high in lectins. Avoid these foods if you want to be healthier and lose more weight.

Feel Better by Avoiding Lectins

You can lose more weight, feel better, and get healthier simply by avoiding lectins in your diet. Check out this tip-o-graphic on lectins and also check out the list of foods to avoid (high-lectin foods) and foods to eat more (low-lectin foods) by clicking on this link from Dr. Steven Gundry, the main medical practitioner […]

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Tips for Growing Old: How to Become a Centenarian

Don’t smoke! Don’t drink too much alcohol. Eat a vegetarian diet. Exercise every day. Use your mind every day. Maintain a healthy weight. Create a strong social network. Have babies after the age of 40. Tips based on a study of Seventh Day Adventists who shared significant longevity. Tips for Growing Old: How to Become […]

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Here is a wonderful list of 50 ways to practice good self-care. Do something every day to pamper yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself.

50 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Here is a wonderful list of 50 ways to practice good self-care. Do something every day to pamper yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself. 1. Have a mini declutter session. 2. Watch your favorite movie. For the 20th time. 3. Take a long bath. 4. Burn your favorite candle. 5. […]

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Exercise tips: Take the Stairs

Take the Stairs!

You have to take the stairs. Don’t be like the people who look for shortcuts to success. You have to take the stairs. Don’t be like the people who look for shortcuts to success. #exercisetips #fitnesstips Click To Tweet Please share if you love this post . . .5       

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