Tips on how to stress less from weight loss and wellness coach Jean Hausmann.
Stress is a necessary part of life. Stress is needed for creativity, learning, and even your very survival.
When stress becomes overwhelming, then it becomes harmful and interrupts the healthy state of equilibrium that your nervous system needs to remain in balance.
Overwhelming stress can be quite common in this day and age. Try these helpful tips to help your body produce a relaxation response.
Tips to Stress Less
1. Look for opportunities.
2. Go for a walk with a friend.
3. Focus on what you can control.
4. Get involved in a cause you believe in.
5. Give someone a nice compliment.
6. Ask for help.
7. Reminisce.
8. Go to bed early.
9. Breathe.
Derived from: The Tale of Eating Beauty: How She Broke the Food Spell and How You Can Too! by Jean Hausmann
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