Motivational Tips

Steven Crowder on Obesity and Losing Weight

Steven Crowder: On Obesity

Obesity is a heavy cross to bear. For many, yes genetics play a role (triggering false hunger responses and more). But just as surely as obesity is unhealthy, it ultimately comes down to calories in vs calories burned. Every. Single. Time. Get help, make a plan, and stick with it. — Steven Crowder Just as […]

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I Am Soulshine

I Am SoulShine: Positive Affirmations with Beautiful Images

Check out this graphic showcasing some of the positive affirmation with beautiful images from I Am Soulshine, a book available on Etsy: Check out this graphic showcasing some of the positive affirmation with beautiful images from I Am Soulshine, a book available on Etsy. #affirmations #positivity #BeautifulImages Click To Tweet

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Unmasking Your Soul: The 12 Chambers of Light

Unmasking Your Soul

The 12 Chambers of Light How to Unmask Your Soul Return to Divine Love Embrace Your Divine Power Remember Your Divine Wholeness Accept Your Divine Truths Claim Your Divine Light Embrace Your Divine Purpose Find Your Divine Voice Access Your Divine Wisdom Align with the Divine Mind Ignite Your Divine Passion Practice Divine Devotion Embody […]

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Let Your Goddess Shine Through

Let Your Goddess Shine Through!

Remember this . . . You are a goddess! Explore your inner landscape. Discover who you truly are. Uncover deeper truths. Get to know yourself better than ever before. Your inner goddess is worthy of your trust. Your inner goddess is worthy of your love. Recognize why you are on this planet. You are at […]

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Clutter: Between You and The Life You Want

Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor. It’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living. — Peter Walsh Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor. It’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living. — Peter Walsh #clutter Click To […]

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Vanessa Hudgens on Exercise

Vanessa Hudgens: On Exercise

If I ever get to the point that I’m not happy with my body, I’ll do something about it. You will always have the power to do something. Sometimes it will take a little longer than you would like, and sometimes it may be a little extreme. But if you honestly have a goal, you […]

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Mel Robbins on Time

Mel Robbins: On Free Time

There is a difference between people who see you in their free time and people who free their time to see you. — Mel Robbins, motivational speaker You know who your true friends if they free up their time to see you! There is a difference between people who see you in their free time […]

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Here is a wonderful list of 50 ways to practice good self-care. Do something every day to pamper yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself.

50 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Here is a wonderful list of 50 ways to practice good self-care. Do something every day to pamper yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself. 1. Have a mini declutter session. 2. Watch your favorite movie. For the 20th time. 3. Take a long bath. 4. Burn your favorite candle. 5. […]

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Norman Cousins on laughter

Norman Cousin: On Laughter As Jogging

Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. — Norman Cousin, editor [bctt tweet=”Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. — Norman Cousin, editor #laughter #jogging” via=”no”]

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33 affirmations to build confidence

33 Affirmations to Build Your Confidence!

33 affirmations to build your confidence, live your dreams, inspire your health and fitness, and move beyond today to tomorrow and beyond! I deserve my dreams! I am beautiful. Today is my day! I love who I see in the mirror. I got this! I am healthy and fit. I am worthy of genuine love. […]

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