Exercise Choices
Planking: How Do You Look?
Here is a funny image comparing how we think we look while planking and how we might actually look. Enjoy! Here is a funny image comparing how we think we look while planking and how we might actually look. Click To Tweet
Burn 2,000 Calories in a Fun and Sexy Way
Here’s one way to burn 2,000 calories while having fun! Very inspiring. Lots of fun! A crowd-pleaser! Lose weight the fun and sexy way. Check out this funny, funny video. Striptease Video: Here’s one way to burn 2,000 calories while having fun! Very inspiring. Lots of fun! A crowd-pleaser! Lose weight the fun and sexy […]
30 Flat Tummy Tips: Fitness Matters!
Here are thirty flat tummy tips. You don’t have to do all of them to get a flat tummy. Do five or ten of them and you will get a flatter tummy and become much fitter. Fitness matters! 1. Drink a glass of water before eating. 2. Eat five small meals a day. 3. Eat […]
Best Fitness Trackers for 2015
Here is a video featuring the best fitness trackers for 2015. There is some great fitness tracking advice in this video. [tubeloot video=”1″]
Fitness Chalk Talks: Move Daily
Fitness Chalk Talks: Move daily. Hike. Run. Dance. Swim. Bike. Jump. Do yoga. Play tennis. Move daily. Hike. Run. Dance. Swim. Bike. Jump. Do yoga. Play tennis. Click To Tweet [tubeloot video=”14″]