Stress Less
5 Natural Herbs to Boost Your Immune System
Would you like to boost your immune system? Start by using these five herbs. You’ll be amaze at the difference they’ll make in how you feel! Elderberry defends against most types of diseases that you might encounter. Garlic improves your white blood cell’s efficiency and also greatly improves your heart health. Ginger root protects people […]
Get Instant Clarity!
Are you tired? Do you have memory or mood problems? Does brain fog trouble you? Do you need a boost to be your best? Do you ever feel “off”? Do you find it hard to concentrate or focus? Has your productivity suffered? Do you need more energy? Are you ready to wipe away brain fog? […]
Women and Depression
1 in 8 women will develop depression during their lifetime. — National Institute of Mental Health For a key article on how to avoid depression, see Good Self-Care for Depression. 1 in 8 women will develop depression during their lifetime. — National Institute of Mental Health Click To Tweet
50 Ways to Take Care of Yourself
Here is a wonderful list of 50 ways to practice good self-care. Do something every day to pamper yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself. 1. Have a mini declutter session. 2. Watch your favorite movie. For the 20th time. 3. Take a long bath. 4. Burn your favorite candle. 5. […]
Sarah Hyland: Treat Your Body Well
Treat your body well. Do that, and it will treat you well. … I believe in everything in moderation. — Sarah Hyland, actress Treat your body well. Do that, and it will treat you well. … I believe in everything in moderation. — Sarah Hyland Click To Tweet See also: Weight Loss Tips That Really Work
Monica Potter: On Minimizing Stress
I’ve been trying to slow down a bit—I read a lot, and I tend to get up early and just sit on my couch reading. I light a candle and take time to read something inspirational—Melody Beattie is a wonderful writer and has a kind, loving message in all of her books. Getting outside is […]